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Cana Island Lighthouse By Paul Freidlund Photograph by Paul Freidlund

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Comments (58)

Lena  Owens OLena Art

Lena Owens OLena Art

Congratulations on your sale!!

Terry DeLuco

Terry DeLuco

Wonderful! Congrats on your sale!

Kathy M Krause

Kathy M Krause

Congratulations on your sale Paul!

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Congratulations on your Sale Paul!...L

Paul Freidlund

Paul Freidlund

Thank you to the buyer from Oshkosh WI.

Wayne Moran

Wayne Moran

Love it.

Barry Jones

Barry Jones

Another great image and a beautiful structure! v/f

Terri Harper

Terri Harper

Beautiful image! I hope to visit this one and photograph it for my lighthouse collection also. V

Megan Dirsa-DuBois

Megan Dirsa-DuBois

Wow! Love it!

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

This is beautiful, Paul! f/v

Felicia Tica

Felicia Tica

A very beautiful capture!f!

Rafael Salazar

Rafael Salazar

Beautiful capture. Lovely location. Voted.

Pamela Briggs-Luther

Pamela Briggs-Luther

Wonderful! LF

Joan Davis

Joan Davis

Beautifully captured!

Richard Brown

Richard Brown

Very nice work! v

Amanda Collins

Amanda Collins

Excellent! V

Zulfiya Stromberg

Zulfiya Stromberg

Excellent image, v

Janis  Tafoya

Janis Tafoya

Fantastic !!! L

Jean Macaluso

Jean Macaluso

As lighthouses go this has great color and texture. Wonderfully done! v/f

Michael Mazaika

Michael Mazaika

Nice shot, Paul. A well-weathered but still proud structure. - Mike (V)

Connie Fox

Connie Fox

Very nice mood you've captured, Paul. I like the composition too. v

Lingfai Leung

Lingfai Leung

Beautiful work, voted, t,g,

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Beautiful work, Cana! L/F

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Cana Island Lighthouse By Paul Freidlund by Paul Freidlund
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